Me & My life · update

Guess what – What? – My computer died.

Just when I finally got myself writing every week and posting every Friday (yay me for sticking to a schedule) my computer decided to wave a white flag and after all the suffering, it finally gave up.

Since I am not friends with writing things on my phone, especially long things like grammatically correct posts for blog, it had to wait. So next time I went home to visit my parents, I took the computer with me for my dad to check out if there is anything that can be done, but seems as if my baby and all of my files, pictures and, well, everything is gone now. Ironically, enough I was planning to save everything outside of my computer for occasions like these exactly the day it happened. Just my luck as they say. So besides that, dad sent me home with his old computer, which is way better than nothing although I can’t feel truly free with it.

In addition, I consider dropping that living alone idea for now. Of course, everyone’s first question is if I realized that I couldn’t pull it off. No, it’s not that I can’t. Actually, there is a bit of a back story to that but skipping all that I decided that I really want to save up some more money, I am not happy with how little goes into my savings while I’m living here and if I have such opportunity then why not use it, as my savings can get up to more than 8 times bigger than they are now per month. Really starting to hate the idea of renting an apartment, topic for another post tho. Also, I am really home sick.

Actually I hadn’t yet decided because there are pros and cons as well of course, everything to be considered, but once I even mentioned the idea to my mom she got so excited and happy, that it actually would break my heart a bit if I’d say no since I’ve already given her such option.

January at work started amazing and then it spiraled down extremely fast. I’m surviving, but I am changing my shifts to night ones, so, hah, good luck with that as well, since I’ve always been a fan of morning shifts, and always been the first to explain why every other shift is not as good…

Also been thinking about changing the way I do things, or to be more precise, perhaps stop doing some of them at all, since my productivity ended up not really being productive, but maybe that’s for another post, if you’d like to read about it after all.

Overall, it’s been a bit stressful and really tiring, but I’m a survivor. Really mixed feelings about everything and everyone in my life right now. Just need to get my shit together and it is going to be fine. Seasonal depression started acting out again, so going home and spending some time with family will also be very useful, so future looks a bit brighter if we try to see it that way.

Are you feeling okay lately? or maybe the winter is getting to you as well, since a lot of people i’ve talked to has mentioned changes in their mood lately.

Either way, apologies for my absence, but back I am and of course going to try my best to upload yet again on every Friday, but maybe, just maybe, even more.

Best Regards.

P.s. picture by Rachel Moenning

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